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:: Volume 5, Issue 1 (Military Caring Sciences 2018) ::
MCS 2018, 5(1): 72-79 Back to browse issues page
Comparison of the Effect of Clobetasol Ointment and Sterile Gauze Dressing on the Prevention of Phlebitis Caused by Peripheral Venous Catheter in Patients Admitted to a Surgery Ward
Mahdi Mohseni * 1, Hamid Akbari1 , Dawood Hekmat po2 , Khatereh Anbari3
1- MSc of in Caring Nursing, Iran, Lorestan, Lorestan University of Medical Sciences, Faculty Nursing and Midwifery.
2- Ph.D. in Nursing, Arak, Arak University of Medical Sciences, Faculty Nursing and Midwifery.
3- Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Iran, Lorestan, Lorestan University of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Social Medicine Department.
Abstract:   (6967 Views)
Introduction: Peripheral venous catheter installation is one of the most common invasive practices used in hospitals to deliver fluids, drugs, and electrolytes intravenously during emergency events and the most common complication associated with their application is phlebitis. It is a serious complication, which can lead to clot formation, thrombophlebitis, embolism, and reduced use of intravenous catheters.
Objectives: Therefore, the current study aimed at comparing the effect of clobetasol ointment and sterile gauze dressing on the prevention of phlebitis caused by peripheral venous catheter in patients admitted to a surgery ward.
Methods and Method: The current clinical trial was performed on 96 patients admitted to the Department of Males’ Surgery in Vali-e-Asr Hospital, Arak, Iran in 2013. Patients were randomly divided into two groups of clobetasol ointment and sterile gauze dressing. In the clobetasol group, after catheterization of the venous, the ointment was applied to the distal area and the area was dressed and in the sterile gauze dressing group, after catheterization of the venous, gauze was applied in the distal area after sterilization. The location of phlebitis was investigated three times, 24, 48, and 72 hours after the catheterization, based on phlebitis scale.
Results: The frequency of phlebitis in any degree after cannulation in the two groups showed no significant difference during the first 24 hours after installation (three cases of clobetasol ointment and four cases of sterile gauze dressing) (P=0.059). However, there was a significant difference in 48 hours (three cases of clobetasol ointment and 18 cases of sterile gauze dressing) and 72 hours (27 cases of clobetasol ointment and 42 cases of sterile gauze dressing) after installation between the groups (P<0.001). There was no significant difference between the two groups in terms of severity of phlebitis in 24 hours (P= 0.31) and 48 hours (P=0.54), but there was significant difference between the two groups after 72 hours (P<0.001) of installation in favor of the clobetasol group.
Conclusion: Use of clobetasol ointment as a method to prevent phlebitis due to venipuncture is recommended.

IRCT Code: IRCT2013051313301N2

Keywords: Clobetasol, Sterile Gauze Dressing, Phlebitis, Venous Catheter.
Full-Text [PDF 299 kb]   (2702 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2017/09/28 | Revised: 2021/09/1 | Accepted: 2018/06/12 | Published: 2018/08/15
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Clinical trials code: IRCT2013051313301N2

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Mohseni M, Akbari H, Hekmat po D, Anbari K. Comparison of the Effect of Clobetasol Ointment and Sterile Gauze Dressing on the Prevention of Phlebitis Caused by Peripheral Venous Catheter in Patients Admitted to a Surgery Ward. MCS 2018; 5 (1) :72-79
URL: http://mcs.ajaums.ac.ir/article-1-184-en.html

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