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:: Volume 9, Issue 4 (Military Caring Sciences 2022) ::
MCS 2022, 9(4): 411-418 Back to browse issues page
The Need to Pay Attention to Islamic Philosophy in Nursing Care: An Narrative Review
Maryam Nezamzadeh1 , Nahid Rajaei2 , Iman Jafari3 , Ehsan Abadi4 , Hossein Mahmoodi * 5
1- MSc in Nursing, Instructor, Critical Care Nursing Department, Faculty of Nursing, Aja University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
2- MSc in Nursing, Instructor, Maternal Newborn Department, Faculty of Nursing, Aja University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
3- MSc in Nursing, Instructor, Faculty Member, Faculty of Nursing, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
4- Ph.D. Student in Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
5- Ph.D. in Nursing, Associate Professor, Internal Surgery Department, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (1204 Views)
Introduction: Nursing is Scientific that has many philosophical foundations and originally governing philosophy of nursing has led to the development of nursing science. Like other philosophies, the philosophy of nursing has historically been influenced governing philosophy of society. One of these societies is Islamic societies.
Objective:In this study, we try to examine the Islamic philosophy in nursing and to pay attention to it necessity in this field.

Materials and Methods: This study reviews the available sources with Persian keywords philosophy, nursing, Islam, in internal sources Magiran, SID, and Latin keywords, Philosophy, Nursing, Islam in external sources Scopus, PubMedand the Google scholar search engine was done without time limit. English or Persian articles and articles that have access to the full text were included in the study. Finally, 52 related articles were used in the article.
Results: Islam is a religion that considers all aspects of human growth and sublimity and offers various recommendations. One of these areas is the area of care and treatment. Familiarity with the culture and religion of Muslims is necessary for medical staff that working in Islamic societies because the religious beliefs of Muslims have caused changes in their social relations and lifestyle and these factors have overshadowed on promotion of their health.
 Conclusion: Islamic philosophy is a worldview that is able to provide the necessary infrastructure for a theory. But the philosophy of nursing has not been explained based to the Islamic school. Designing nursing care based on religious teachings is vital and without considering spiritual and religious issues, it is not possible to make progress in healthcare of Islamic countries.
Keywords: Philosophy, Islam, Nursing
Full-Text [PDF 462 kb]   (496 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Narrative Review | Subject: Nursing education
Received: 2021/08/30 | Accepted: 2022/05/8 | Published: 2023/03/1
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Nezamzadeh M, Rajaei N, Jafari I, Abadi E, Mahmoodi H. The Need to Pay Attention to Islamic Philosophy in Nursing Care: An Narrative Review. MCS 2022; 9 (4) :411-418
URL: http://mcs.ajaums.ac.ir/article-1-491-en.html

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